What is skin fasting ?

Skin fasting is a skincare practice that involves taking a break from using any skincare products on your face for a certain period of time, usually a day or two up to a week or more. The goal of skin fasting is to give your skin a chance to rest and reset, allowing it to return to its natural balance and heal any issues that may have been caused by overuse of skincare products.

During a skin fast, you would avoid using any type of skincare product on your face, including cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and makeup. Instead, you would simply wash your face with water, and possibly use a gentle, natural exfoliant such as a washcloth or konjac sponge.

Proponents of skin fasting believe that it can help improve the overall health of your skin, reduce inflammation, and restore a more youthful glow. However, it is important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims, and that some people may experience negative effects from taking a break from their usual skincare routine. As with any skincare practice, it’s important to listen to your skin and do what works best for you.

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